Design & Build Approach

Design & Build has many advantages compared to other project delivery methods, even though it is not the most commonly used construction method in all countries around the world.

The biggest advantage for the client with the Design & Build approach is that it places the entire project risk on the Design & Build entity.

For Design & Build to be fully successful, it is crucial to engage NoConP as early as possible in the process, preferably at or before site selection. NoConP will work to fully understand your intentions and expectations, and then form the project team under NoConP’s leadership. We have many strategic partners in all sectors of the industry (architects, engineers, consultants, specialists, etc.) and will quickly leverage these to offer you the best possible team.

NoConP will hold direct contracts with each member of the project team, as well as individual subcontractors and vendors. This means that NoConP becomes your “one-stop-shop” for everything related to the project, and the only entity the client needs to deal with.

This approach transfers the risk of the project to NoConP. Once the designs have been developed (typically during the layout or schematic design phase), we will provide a “Not to Exceed” price for all works (both design and construction), typically under a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contract. This GMP will remain firm unless the client adds or removes scope, makes dramatic changes to design intentions, or if there are unknown site conditions or circumstances.

One of the biggest benefits of using the Design & Build approach is that you can expedite the project by breaking up and releasing certain design packages while the full design is still in progress. This also helps absorb long lead times for materials and equipment, so they do not delay or impact the main construction schedule.

Another benefit of this delivery method is the overall harmony in the project. Since one entity holds all contracts, rather than each team having its own contract with the client, collaboration becomes much more unified and the team more cohesive. With everyone working with the same entity, any “barriers” between companies are removed, creating a more organic flow between the design and construction teams. This enables better coordination and faster resolution of any site issues.